Self-Esteem Issues

What Is Self-Esteem?

Self-esteem comprises the feelings, thoughts, and general regard a person has for themselves. In addition, self-esteem ties directly into a person’s confidence and self-respect. It is important to have a healthy level of positive self-esteem, and those who have minimal self-esteem issues tend to lead happier, more fulfilled lives. 

However, this isn’t a reality for many people. Low self-esteem is often a symptom of mental illnesses such as anxiety and depression. Left unchecked, self-esteem issues make life miserable for those struggling with them. A caring friend, family member, or mental health professional can make a big difference in improving overall self-esteem. Moreover, if caught early, the chances of a successful recovery are good. Thankfully, there are many great treatment options for those struggling to improve their self-esteem.

What are the common symptoms?

  • More sensitive than others
  • Withdrawal from work or social events
  • Controlling behaviors
  • Arrogance
  • Impulsivity
  • An overly critical view of body image
  • Often makes self-deprecating comments

Factors linked to self esteem

Family and friend base
Exercise habits
Marital Status
Level of education & income
Work identity
Maturity level
Social media use

Treatment Options

Lifestyle Changes

Self-esteem is greatly improved by exercising regularly and having a healthy diet. Abstaining from drugs, cigarettes, and alcohol is helpful as well. Those with self-esteem issues could have an underlying mental illness. Because of this, it is important to speak with a mental health professional.

Psychotherapy (AKA Talk Therapy)

Building healthy mentalities and coping skills is essential for those suffering from a self-esteem issue.


If depression, anxiety, or another mental health condition are causing self-esteem issues, a psychiatrist can help. Psychiatrists work with a patient to find a medicine that is right for them.

Related Conditions – Anger Issues, Self Harm, Stress