Attention Deficit Hyperactive Disorder (ADHD)

What is ADHD?

Attention Deficit Hyperactive Disorder is a condition characterized by an inability to focus, restless behaviors, and a distracted nature. Many often use the name ADHD interchangeably with ADD (Attention Deficit Disorder). However, ADD is considered an outdated term by most medical experts and is now primarily viewed as the Inattentive variant of ADHD as opposed to a separate disorder.

Some individuals with this condition make sudden, rash decisions, and have high levels of energy. Others may “space out” or forget things often. Regardless of how these symptoms manifest, ADHD can interfere with productivity and focus. As such, it is important to find a treatment that works best for the patient, as each person with this disorder is unique. 

Because each person with ADHD is unique, it is important to know what ways an individual can grow and learn best. A Psychological Evaluation can help reveal the skills, needs, and learning styles of an individual with ADHD on a personal level. Click here to learn more!

What are the common symptoms?

ADHD symptoms vary from person to person, but the core symptoms involve:

  • An inability to concentrate
  • Excessive energy
  • Fidgeting and constant movement
  • A short attention span
  • Impulsivity
  • Little to no sense of danger
  • Persistent talking and interrupting
  • Forgetfulness

Treatment Options

Psychotherapy (AKA Talk Therapy)

Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) is one of the most successful types of therapy for ADHD.


Psychiatrists work with a patient to find what medication works best for their lifestyle.

Lifestyle Changes

Family education and support are crucial when treating a child for ADHD. A healthy diet and consistent exercise help improve ADHD symptoms. It is also helpful to abstain from drugs, cigarettes, and alcohol.